Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admits military losses in insurgencies

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addresses lawmakers at the parliament in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Thursday, July 7, 2022. Abiy said Thursday his government's police and soldiers are dying on a "daily" basis as the country grapples with insurgencies in Oromia and elsewhere. (AP Photo)

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addresses lawmakers at the parliament in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Thursday, July 7, 2022. Abiy said Thursday his government's police and soldiers are dying on a "daily" basis as the country grapples with insurgencies in Oromia and elsewhere. (AP Photo)

Ethiopian police and soldiers are dying on a “daily” basis as the country grapples with insurgencies in Oromia and elsewhere, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said Thursday.


Abiy in a parliamentary address repeated a vow to destroy the Oromo Liberation Army, a rebel group his government blames for two recent massacres targeting members of the Amhara ethnic group.


“As a government, the fact we are not able to prevent the acts they committed, we feel quite sad,” Abiy said. “Daily police officers die, security forces die” while fighting the Oromo rebels, he said.


Abiy also acknowledged that "hundreds" of district officials had been slain in attacks, which was an unusual admission of government casualties.


The 20-month struggle with the Tigray People's Liberation Front appears to be winding down as violence in Oromia rises. A committee has been established to engage with the TPLF, as Abiy announced last month, but if those attempts are unsuccessful, his administration is prepared to resume military operations.


“The unity and the interests of our country, if it becomes difficult to secure it peacefully, we will pay sacrifices with our lives,” Abiy told lawmakers. “Outside of that, we believe there is hope. Our door will remain open for peace.”


The most recent killings in Oromia took place on Monday and left an undetermined number of citizens dead in the dangerous West Wellega region. It came after a different attack in the area last month that, according to witnesses, claimed hundreds of lives.


The Oromo Liberation Army, also known as OLA, is an illegal organization that the government refers to as Shene. OLA rejects responsibility for the deaths.


Regional and federal forces have intensified their offensive against the OLA in reaction to the violence. Abiy compared the recent ethnically motivated massacres to gun violence in the United States and claimed that counterinsurgency measures have been "95 percent" successful in sparing civilian lives.


“The security forces serve the country at a high cost, so the parliament should recognize their efforts,” Abiy said, describing the mass killings as “inhumane acts” perpetrated by “destructive, evil forces.”


On Wednesday Ethiopia’s parliament set up a special body to investigate the killings in Oromia, where regional government forces have also been accused of human rights abuses.


Human Rights Watch in a statement this week said a “culture of impunity” has “emboldened unaccountable security forces” that it says are responsible for a spate of extrajudicial killings in Oromia.


The killings are putting pressure on Abiy’s government to do more to protect civilians as waves of ethnic unrest persist in Africa’s second-most populous country with a population of 115 million people. Ethiopia has more than 90 different ethnic groups, according to its census. The Oromo are the largest group with an estimated 34% of the population followed by the Amhara with 27%.


Violence between various ethnic groups has increased in recent years as a result of longstanding rivalries.


Source: AP

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