Ethiopia reopens donkey Slaughterhouse After Seven-Year Deadlock

Rhong Chang, a China-based company, has opened the abattoir with an investment of over 60 million Br, in 2014. It can slaughter 300 donkeys a day, hiring 200 people. The company had exported 80,000 dollars worth of meat to markets in East Asia last month. 

The controversial concept of abattoirs processing donkeys first set foot in 2012, after Shandong Dong obtained a license from the Ethiopian Investment Commission to establish a slaughterhouse in Bishoftu. Five years later, the company began operations and exported 200,000 dollars worth of donkey meat and hides before the Bishoftu City Administration shut it down. No other abattoir has been allowed to open but this encouraged the illicit cross-border donkey trade to Kenya. 

There are three abattoirs processing donkey meat and skins in Kenya, exporting to East Asia. A live donkey can sell for 165 dollars. 

"Thousands of donkeys can pass through the Moyale border on market days," says a person knowledgeable of the matter. 

Some even come from as far as Addis Abeba, 774Km away from Moyale.

Rhong Chang, a China-based company, has opened the abattoir with an investment of over 60 million Br, in 2014. It can slaughter 300 donkeys a day, hiring 200 people. The company had exported 80,000 dollars worth of meat to markets in East Asia last month.

By Addis fortune 

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