Ethiopian Fed. Court Passes Sentence on the Three Defendants in Hachalu Hundessa Assassination Trial

Hachalu Hundessa

The Federal High court Lideta branch anti- terrorism and constitutional 2nd bench today has today sentenced on the three defendants accused of having involvement in the assassination of Hachalu Hundesa.


While Tilahun Yami, the first defendant on the file who was found guilty of violating anti-terrorisom proclamation 1176/2012 Article 3. Was sentenced to life in prison, the second defendant on the file, Kebede Gemechu who was found guilty of violating penal codes 540 was sentenced 18 years.


Abdi Alemehyu, who was released on bail in March, 2021 was sentenced to 6 months in prison. Earlier in July, Abdi was found guilty of violating 443/1 of the penal code and the court ordered that he should be returned to police custody and follow the coming court hearings from prison. The court decided that Abdi has served a time of Six months duration and ordered his release.

By Addis Standard

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